Career Profile

Vision: A higher more profound human existence through engineering and science intended towards solving global grand challenges using Environmental Fluid Mechanics.
NRF-Y researcher, rated as “young researcher having the potential to establish themself as a researcher” in Fluid Mechanics.
Professionally registered engineer with ECSA (202402862)
Current Position: Senior Lecturer.
Co-Head environmental fluid mechanics research group at UKZN (“”).
Areas of current research: Coastal processes, Climate change, Renewable energy, fundamentals of fluid mechanics.


Senior Lecturer

University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
2021 - Present


University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
2018 - 2020

Coastal Engineer

eThekwini Municipality
2015 - 2017



  1. On the reef scale hydrodynamics at Sodwana Bay, South Africa
  2. Deoraj V., Wells C., Pringle J., Stretch D. (2023)
    Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  3. The Geography of Mixing on the east coast of South Africa
  4. Pringle J., Stretch D., Tirok K. (2023)
    Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  5. Cold water temperature anomalies on the Sodwana reefs and their driving mechanisms
  6. Wells C., Pringle J., Stretch D. (2021)
    South African Journal of Science, vol 117 (9-10), 9304
  7. A New Approach for the Stochastic Simulation of Regional Wave Climates Conditioned on Synoptic-Scale Meteorology
  8. Pringle J., Stretch D. (2019)
    Journal of Coastal Research, vol 35 (6), 1331-1342
  9. Assimilation of ocean wave spectra and atmospheric circulation patterns to improve wave modelling
  10. Corbella S., Pringle J., Stretch D. (2015)
    Coastal Engineering, vol 100, 1-10
  11. Circulation patterns identified by spatial rainfall and ocean wave fields in Southern Africa
  12. Bárdossy A., Pegram G., Sinclair S., Pringle J., Stretch D.D. (2015)
    Frontiers in Environmental Sciences. vol 3 (31), DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2015.00031
  13. On linking atmospheric circulation patterns to extreme events for coastal vulnerability assessments
  14. Pringle J., Stretch D., Bárdossy A. (2015)
    Natural Hazards , DOI: 10.1007s/11069-015-1825-4
  15. Automated classification of the atmospheric circulation patterns that drive regional wave climates
  16. Pringle J., Stretch D., Bárdossy A. (2014)
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol 14, 2145-2155


  1. Estuary and Lake hydrodynamics
  2. Stretch D., Chrystal C., Chrystal R., Maine C., Pringle J.
    In: Ecology and Conservation of Estuarine Ecosystems: Lake St. Lucia as a global model. Ed. Perissinotto R., Stretch D., Taylor R. Cambridge University Press. USA


  1. Why it's important to understand how Fluids Move
  2. Pringle J. (2020)
    The Conversation
  3. Preserving Durban's Fragile golden mile
  4. Pringle J., Stretch D., Kimmie R. (June 2018)
    Public Sector Manager

Student Supervision


  1. Modelling the Agulhas Current
  2. Kemira Naidoo (2022)
  3. Improving the reliability of flow models
  4. Smrithi Singh (Submission Expected)
  5. Biophysical Connectivity In A Tidal Basin
  6. Prosper Bopoto (Submission expected)
  7. Modelling coastal water quality at Umhlanga
  8. Leall Williams (Submission expected)
  9. Mapping plastic on beaches using Machine Learning
  10. Robert Boreham (Submission expected)


  1. On the Hydrodynamics of Coral Reefs.
  2. Atish Deoraj (Submission Expected)

Grants & Awards

Phase 1: Construction impacts of bulkwater supply schemes on river connectivity
R 3 303 450.00
NRF Y- Rating 2020
R50 000.00
PI TIA: Ocean Energy to Electricity
R50 000.00
RDE grant (2019): Research and Development Grant for Emerging Researchers
R650 000.00
Co­-PI TIA : Ocean Wave Energy to Electricity
R650 000.00
RDE grant (2020): Research and Development Grant for Emerging Researchers
R100 000.00

Professional Projects

Long term Hydraulic and sediment modelling using Mike by DHI for the Jagersfontein Tailings Dam Failure
Leading a scientific and engineering team to identaify causal mechanisms of backflooding and provide remedial solutions.
Coastal vulnerability analysis and shoreline protection design for Milnerton Beach Cape Town
Managing and facilitating the construction of coastal protection works at Umdloti (KZN) - R17 000 000.00
Development of a coastal, river and atmoospheric early warning forecast system for eThekwini Municaplity. Data management and programming.

Coursework Teaching

Technical commincations for Engineers
Mathematical systems for engineers
Fluid mechanics/hydraulics for civil engineers
Hydraulics and hydrology for engineers
Water and Environmental Engineering
Dissertation projects (typically 5-10 projects/yr)
Design projects (typically 5-10 projects/yr)

Leadership and Service

Chair: Academic Focus Group
UKZN CPD course office
UKZN MSc ENG (civil) curriculum development
Community Service
National and community radio interviews
Mentor for Engineers without borders
Developed CPD courses for industry
Jagersfontein: Intergovernmental environmental rehabilitation specialist committee: Leading the hydraulic and sediment transport numerical modelling component to predict long term effects.
St Lucia Dredging and Clearing: Leading the Science and Engineering team.

Collaborative Multi-disciplinary Research

Prof Dave Dorrell
Ocean wave renewable energy
Dr Matthew Burnett, Dr Gordon O'Brien (UMP SA), Prof Aline Cotel (UMICH USA)
Fish pass design and river ecology
Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI)
Coral reef hydrodyanmics


Prof Derek Stretch
University of KwaZulu Natal
Prof András Bardossy
Universität Stuttgart
Dr Stefano Corbella